Circa 1919 16" GE 2 Star Oscillator Stan Good Restoration

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Circa 1919 16" GE 2 Star Oscillator Restored by Stan Good. Artwork Comes In Many Different Forms and Stan Was Famous For His Unique Process Of Fan Restorations. Stan Was An Early Member Of The AFCA, His Collecting Career Spanned 42 Years. Stan Also Collected Clocks, Had A Passion For Parrots, Music, And Song Writing. Stan Also Loved To Draw Fan Cartoons That Still Run In The Antique Fan Collector Magazines. The Hobby Of Fan Collecting Started By Uniting Collectors Across The Country In The Early 90's With The Development Of The AFCA. In The Beginning, Resources Were Limited And The Restoration Resources and Techniques Were Not What They Are Today. I Feel This Fan Embodies The Early Years Of Fan Restoration Paired With The Artist Stan Good's Expression Of The Process. This Is A Collectible Fan By Itself But Paired With The Time Period When It Was Restored And History Of The Artist Who Did The Work, Makes It A Historically Significant Piece. There Are Some Less Than Desirable Cage Repairs, Headwire Is Frayed, Blade Needs To Be Balanced And A Few Other Minor Things. You Are Buying A Piece Of GE and AFCA History With This Fan.







