Amazing Pair or Professionally Restored Westinghouse Gyro Ceiling Fans. These beautifully restored fans were done by master restorer Carlton Ward. Carlton's work has been a key feature of the "Raffle Fans" for the Antique Fan Collectors Association every year. Carlton does not do restorations as a business so having the opportunity to own one of his works is rare.
This pair was removed from a hardware store in San Antonio Texas many years ago and had sat in storage until Carlton obtained them from a picker. This pair has lived their entire life together as they are a consecutive serial number set. Carlton restored them back to the "as found" rare color combination and nickle plated hardware with special order light kit. The center body is finished in a rich gloss black automotive finish. The fluted top and bottom of the gyro section are done in a beautiful dark green (special order option from Westinghouse). The nickle plated blades, switch, tags, hardware, and canopies were all special order as well and really make these fans pop.
This is honestly a once in a lifetime find and now you the opportunity to be the proud new owner.