Emerson 17666 circa 1912. This example was restored roughly 30 years ago by an early member of the AFCA. He restored this example for his wife, unfortunately he passed several years ago. She decided to part with the remaining few pieces of his collection and made the difficult decision to let this fan go. Her hope is that this fan finds its way to someone who will cherish it for many years to come. I'm happy to have the opportunity to find a great new curator for this fans future. The design of this fan was the end of production for a large motor, trunnion mounted, step base that used a cast hub 6 wing Parker blade. Many collectors desire to own a large motor 6 blade Emerson and these fans have become very desirable over the years. The history that is carried by this fan makes it a standout!!! Fan runs excellent on 3 distinct speeds and makes a beautiful decorative object when not in use.